Cannabidiol is one of the most exciting cannabinoids that we are aware of today, and its use is growing worldwide. Cannabinoids are the natural compounds found in hemp that are responsible for the myriad of effects that hemp provides to users.

Also known as CBD, CBD Oil, cannabidiol is transforming from a little-known cannabinoid long shunned by the hemp community, to a potential breakthrough nutritional component and wellness supplement that could benefit everyone. Becoming a household name after a series of media reports on its amazing benefits, CBD use is building as more and more people look to take advantage of its effects.

CBD is found throughout the seeds, stalk, and flowers of hemp plants — including hemp and marijuana. Unlike many of the 100+ cannabinoids that we are currently aware of, cannabidiol naturally occurs in significant quantities in hemp, so it is easily extracted from the plant in the form of hemp oil.

Once extracted as a constituent of hemp oil, CBD can be processed into a number of commercial products like liquids and capsules or further isolated from the oil, purifying it to its crystalline form. Products made from CBD-rich hemp oil can be found on the shelves of medical marijuana dispensaries, in health food and wellness stores, and online from a range of retailers.

How CBD Works

Overall, CBD affects the body through its interaction with the body’s endocannabinoid system. Found in all mammals, the endocannabinoid system is tasked with regulating a wide variety of bodily functions – such as mood, appetite, sleep, hormone production, and even nervous and immune system responses. The endocannabinoid system is regularly modulating these functions in an effort to keep the body in homeostasis, helping users to feel and function at their best.

Products made with CBD are safe to use by all members of your family. CBD is non-toxic and non-psychoactive, even at high levels, and carries no significant side effects


Thousands of studies have demonstrated the wide array of potential benefits that cannabidiol may have, and clinical trials for CBD-based pharmaceutical drugs are underway for a range of medical conditions.

CBD has already become a mainstream ingredient in all kinds of common products. Any controversy over this beneficial, non-psychoactive cannabinoid is quickly dissipating, as lawmakers, officials, and consumers in the South Africa and internationally begin to recognize CBD’s potential.

Countries like Mexico, Brazil, and Paraguay have already approved the use of CBD as a prescription medication, and dozens of other countries around the world allow the use of CBD as a dietary supplement. Late in 2017, the World Health Organization officials announced their recommendation that CBD should not be scheduled as a drug. This decision could affect policies regarding CBD in countries worldwide .


CBD oil products are available for purchase across the South Africa and from the Biomuti online shop. When shopping for CBD products, be sure to purchase from a source you trust.


Cannabis has over 80 known chemical constituents, known as “cannabinoids”. Two of the most active and studied constituents of cannabis are tetrahydrocannabinol (“THC”) and cannabidiol (“CBD”). THC is the major psychoactive component of cannabis. CBD acts on many of the same receptors as THC, but without the psychoactive side effects.

How Medical Cannabis Works

The reasons that cannabis benefits so many different illnesses and ailments is due to the fact that some of the active pharmacological components of the cannabis plant mimic an internal chemical harm reduction system in the human body that keeps our health in balance, called the Endocannabinoid System (ECS).

The ECS is controlled by chemicals that our body produces called endocannabinoids. The endocannabinoid system, is a system of receptors found in the brain, central and peripheral nervous systems, fat, muscle, and immune cells. Our endocannabinoids are responsible for keeping our most critical biological functions in balance such as sleep, appetite, the immune system and pain. When the body gets out of balance and moves into a state of stress, endocannabinoids go to work to fix the problem. The pharmaceutically active components in the cannabis plant mimic endocannabinoids hence being effective in helping the body manage crises and restore itself after trauma when the body’s endocannabinoids are not able to restore balance alone.

Examples Of How THC Works In Our Bodies

The cannabinoid THC has been shown to possess a very high binding affinity with CB1 receptors located throughout the brain, central nervous system, connective tissues, gonads, glands, and related organs. This is one reason that consumption of cannabis strains and plants containing a high amount of THC result in a relatively potent effect, giving patients significant relief from pain, nausea, or depression while delivering a strong euphoria to lifestyle users. Significant efficacy is gained by those undergoing chemotherapy and patients suffering conditions involving inflammation, like arthritis and lupus.

THC has antispasmodic, analgesic, anti-tremor, anti-inflammatory, appetite stimulating and anti-emetic properties.

THC is a strong anti-inflammatory and pain killer and has been shown to reduce the amyloid plaques in the brain that cause Alzheimer.

In pre-clinical trials THC has been proven to reduce levels of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in brain cancer cells. This is important because a reduction in VEGF means that brain cancer tumors are unable to grow the new blood vessels they need to sustain themselves, grow and spread. This discovery offers great promise for the treatment of brain cancer.

THC is also a bronchodilator, anti-spasmodic, muscle relaxant, a powerful neuroprotectant and antioxidant. In fact, THC has 20 times the anti-inflammatory power of aspirin and twice that of hydrocortisone.

CBD and THC are believed to have a synergistic effect meaning that when they are both present at therapeutic levels, they are more effective together than they are alone.

The entourage effect refers to how all the different cannabinoids work together in the human body. The “entourage effect,” theorizes that some cannabis compounds, which have no effect in isolation, affect the human body only when combined with other components. The effect of CBD on THC is the most notable illustration of the entourage effect.


Even though our knowledge on the role of the endocannabinoid system is still evolving, the available evidence indicates cannabis acts on the endocannabinoid system. Naturally occurring substances called endocannabinoids and the cannabinoids found in cannabis are major effectors on this system. Although THC is perhaps the best-known substance in cannabis, it’s fast becoming merely one tool in the medical cannabis arsenal.

It’s Not All About Getting High

THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, is the primary ingredient in medical cannabis, cannabis oil, responsible for the high. THC also has a wide range of medical benefits, and is reported to relieve pain, nausea, and depression, among many other things.

7 Facts about THC

THC was discovered in 1964. THC was first isolated and synthesized from the cannabis plant by a scientist in Israel named Dr. Raphael Mechoulam.

THC is one of more than 80 known active ingredients in cannabis referred to as cannabinoids. Despite being the most recognized ingredient in medical marijuana, THC is just one of many compounds in the plant with known medical uses. THC and CBD are the two cannabinoids usually found in the highest concentrations.

  1. THC can protect brain cells and stimulate their growth. Whereas most recreational drugs are neurotoxic, THC is considered a “neuroprotectant,” meaning it can protect brain cells from damage caused by inflammation and oxidative stress. THC can promote the growth of new brain cells through a process known as neurogenesis.
  2. Chemicals similar to THC are found in the body. In 1992, Dr. Mechoulam and his team made another breakthrough when they discovered a molecule called Anandamide. Both anandamide and THC act on pathways in the body called cannabinoid receptors. In the brain, anandamide works to regulate mood, sleep, memory and appetite.
  3. THC has been used in medicine to treat the nausea, pain, appetite and apathy that many cancer patients experience after chemotherapy. It has also been used to prevent convulsions and to lower the fluid pressure inside the eye in treating glaucoma.
  4. CBD and THC both contains antioxidants which are found in fruits and vegetables and are necessary to the body for good health and to lower risk of diseases such as cancer, stroke, Parkinson’s, and Alzheimer’s.
  5. Endocannabinoids are like the body’s natural THC. In fact, endocannabinoids got their name from cannabis. Plant cannabinoids were discovered first. Endo means within, and cannabinoid referring to a compound that fits into cannabinoid receptors. The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is the name for a series of cell receptors that respond to certain kinds of agonists. Two primary cell receptors make up the ECS, Cannabinoid Receptor 1 (CB1) and Cannabinoid Receptor 2 (CB2). The keys for these receptors are called endocannabinoids.
  6. THC has shown tremendous potential as a natural medicine. Research on THC opened the floodgates to the discovery of the endocannabinoid system, a finding with tremendous therapeutic potential. The value that THC provides to public health seems boundless.

50 unexpected benefits of cannabis

It comes as no shock to anyone who knows cannabis that it’s something of a miracle herb. But as we bring this plant out of the dark and into the light, it continues to blow our minds – just how great the benefits of cannabis actually are!

We are talking about benefits to public health, to the economy, and to each and every person who develops a positive relationship with this therapeutic plant

The Health Benefits of Cannabis

It Can Help You Lose Weight

If you’re an avid Green Flower reader, then you’re already aware that cannabis users have been shown to be slimmer, on average, than non-users. That’s because cannabis helps the body regulate insulin production, and manage caloric intake more efficiently

It Can Regulate and Prevent Diabetes

Because cannabis helps regulate body weight, it only makes sense that it would help prevent and regulate Diabetes. Again, you can thank the herb’s ability to regulate insulin production for this medical breakthrough

It Fights Cancer

This is the big one that everybody’s been talking about. Both scientists and the federal government have released a good amount of evidence showing that cannabinoids fight certain types of cancer. It doesn’t get much more substantial than that

It Can Help Depression

Depression is one of the more widespread, yet least talked about medical conditions in America. And research is showing that cannabis can help treat it

It’s Showing Promise in Treating Autism

Like many other high-profile disorders, autism may be a prime target for cannabis-based treatments. Science is digging into it, but in the meantime, some parents are using it to help manage violent mood swings in autistic children

It Provides a Safer Alternative to Drugs and Alcohol

Cannabis can be harmful if you use it irresponsibly, but it’s nowhere near as destructive as alcohol for example. With wider availability, cannabis can and will become a substance of choice – and likely save a lot of lives (and livers) in the process

It Helps Regulate Seizures

Using medical cannabis to regulate seizures is another one of the more high-profile findings coming out of medical science. For folks with disorders like Epilepsy, cannabis is showing immense promise

It Can Help Broken Bones Heal Faster

Can you believe that cannabis can actually mend broken bones? It’s true, as CBD evidently reacts chemically with collagen, spurring along the healing process. Another very exciting find

It’s a Treatment for ADHD

For those with serious trouble concentrating, or who have children suffering from ADD or ADHD, cannabis might be the treatment you’ve been waiting for. It’s safer and more effective than medications like Ritalin or Adderall

It Can Help Treat Serious Addictions

We already mentioned that cannabis can be a viable, safer alternative to substances like alcohol and tobacco, but did you know that it can also be used as a treatment for addictions to these substances, and more? Individuals addicted to serious drugs like heroin, opiates, and cocaine, are showing promise in ridding themselves of their addictions through cannabis therapy

Of course, it’s entirely possible to develop a dependency to cannabis, also – so responsible and mindful use is key

It Treats Glaucoma

One of the first big medical issue that cannabis was shown to effectively treat is Glaucoma. Ingesting cannabis helps lower the pressure in the eyeball, giving patients at least temporary relief

It Can Improve Lung Health

You probably never saw this one coming – especially since pot is commonly associated with smoking, and smoking with chronic lung problems. But some conditions, including lung cancer and Emphysema, have been shown to regress when cannabis is thrown into the mix

It Helps Anxiety

Fact: cannabis can actually cause anxiety but there are ways to potentially avoid that. And it’s also true that for many people, cannabis can help alleviate anxiety disorders

It Can Slow the Development of Alzheimer’s Disease

Cognitive degeneration is pretty much unavoidable as we age, and Alzheimer’s disease falls under that umbrella. The good news is that studies are showing cannabis can stop the progression of Alzheimer’s, which may lead to longer, richer lives for millions

It Helps M.S. Patients

Cannabis helps alleviate many of the symptoms associated with Multiple Sclerosis, most notably the tremors, spasms, and pain

It Can Control Muscle Spasms

We’ve mentioned M.S. and seizures, but general muscle spasms are an ailment that affect millions. Cannabis can help calm those muscles, stop them from twitching, and deal with the pain associated with spasms

It Helps Individuals with Eating Disorders

A common use for medical cannabis is to help regulate eating patterns. Whether you eat too much, or too little, cannabis can help. This is especially helpful for people suffering from disorders like Bulimia and Anorexia

It Treats Arthritis

Another common ailment that cannabis is used to treat is arthritis. The THC and CBD – as well as other cannabinoids – help sufferers deal with the pain, especially when using quality cannabis creams and balms

It’s Helpful for Those with PTSD

With so many veterans in need of effective treatments for PTSD after the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the discovery that cannabis is a viable option is fantastic news. Now, the trick is to get the VA and doctors to actually prescribe it. And of course not all PTSD is combat-related. All sorts of traumatic experiences can put that fight-or-flight response into overdrive, and cannabis is the only medication to address that

It Can Help Regulate Your Metabolism

We touched on how cannabis helps your body process and deal with food, and obesity. This plays into how it also helps maintain and regulate your metabolism. That not only means sticking to an ideal weight level but generally being healthier and happier!

It Can Help People with AIDS/HIV

Cannabis can’t directly cure the AIDS virus, but it can and does help those living with it cope. Specifically, cannabis helps those living with AIDS/HIV maintain their diets and handle associated pains and aches

It’s Effective for Treating Nausea

Next up on our list of cannabis facts: nausea. This is a relatively common feeling, and one that is brought on by any number of things. Some people live with constant bouts on a daily basis, and as you can imagine, it can be debilitating. How does cannabis come into the picture? Chemical compounds in cannabis react with brain receptors to regulate feelings of nausea. This is a particular boon for chemotherapy patients (see #27)

It’s an Alternative Treatment for Headaches

Lots of people experience headaches every day, and taking the typical medicines – be it acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Advil) – can take its toll on your body, leading to ulcers, liver damage, and other complications. Cannabis offers a natural alternative, and one that won’t chew threw your stomach lining

It Can Treat Certain STDs

It’s true – cannabis has been found to be at least somewhat effective in the treatment of a handful of sexually transmitted diseases, including herpes and chlamydia

It Will Help with Speech Problems

If you, or someone you know, has an issue with stuttering, cannabis can help. Research is by and large still lacking, but in the same way that cannabis helps calm spasms and twitches, those with speech problems can potentially benefit from its effects

It Can Improve Skin Conditions

Who would’ve thought that cannabis could be a viable treatment option for skin conditions like eczema? The only issue? Smoking won’t do much good, as smoking actually harms your skin. A quality cannabis topical, on the other hand, can do wonders

It Can Help You Get Through Chemotherapy

This is another extremely popular use for medical cannabis. Those suffering from cancers and its treatments – like chemotherapy – have found comfort in cannabis’s soothing effects

It Regulates Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Those living with OCD can also use cannabis as a treatment option. CBD, which effectively regulates anxiety to some extent, is the main active ingredient which helps those with OCD get a handle on the disorder – and live more functional lives

It Will Calm Asthma Attacks

You probably never saw this one coming. Cannabis and asthma? They’re apparently compatible, or so says science. Again, it has to do with cannabinoid receptors which help control coughing fits as well as the herb’s ability to act as a bronchodilator. Smoking is obviously not the best method of delivery here, as that will likely only make things worse

It Can Replace Viagra for Some Men

How about a natural cure for erectile dysfunction? This is another one of the many benefits of cannabis. No more hiding that Viagra in the back of the medicine cabinet, merely stick to cannabis. The research is ongoing, but there is evidence that cannabis can help men overcome this frustrating issue

It Can Lower Your Blood Pressure

Smoking and low blood pressure are rarely synonymous. Thankfully there are several other ways to ingest cannabis, which can help with hypertension and other blood pressure issues

It’ll Calm Your Panic Attacks

As mentioned, calming anxiety is one of cannabis’s more sought-after effects. As a result, it can help people control panic attacks. Of course, it’ll depend on several physical factors, and what specific strains you use

It Can Be Used as a Food Source

Despite the fact that cannabis is hard to find at your local grocery store, throughout history, it’s been a dietary staple for many civilizations. Hemp has often been cultivated as a source of protein, and even today is used to create protein powders, or seeds can be purchased for consumption. On a large production scale, hemp can feed a lot of hungry people if prohibitive laws are overturned

It Makes for an Attractive Investment

Want to make green, from green? Lots of venture capitalists are starting to see the explosive potential in the cannabis industry, and as a result, are dumping money into cannabis-based startups and businesses. Cannabis capital summits are even popping up, attracting investors and entrepreneurs

It Can Help Fight Climate Change

If we are able to get large-scale cannabis farms into production, it could help curb emissions, and fight climate change. This would happen through a number of ways, from providing more carbon-absorbing plants across vast farmlands, to trading off emission-producing animal farms for greener, cleaner cannabis grows

It Creates Jobs

The creation of literally tens of thousands of jobs in the wake of legalization in places like Colorado and Washington is hard to ignore. And in an economy that has been in slow-recovery mode since 2009, looking at any opportunity to add more jobs can’t be overlooked

It Generates Revenue for Schools and Public Health Programs

Instead of having money funnel into the hands of low-level street dealers, or even cartels on the other side of the border, legal cannabis markets are putting money to work in local communities through tax revenue. cannabis is now supplying millions to schools and public health programs, among other things

Legalizing Cannabis is Getting People Out of Jail

A big point of contention in the U.S. recently has been the large rate of incarceration, and the amount of money flowing to the prison industrial complex. Legalization is clearing out prisons, and freeing up time and resources for law enforcement

It’s Creating New Industries

We mentioned that cannabis is creating a lot of jobs, and that’s because it’s creating new industries which house them. Cultivation, processing, sales outlets – there are numerous facets to the cannabis industry, and as legalization spreads, it’ll continue to grow

It Lowers Crime Rates

Yes, making a previously illegal product legal lowers the crime rate – but it goes deeper than that. Numbers show that states in post-legalization status are seeing drops in crime, and perhaps most importantly, violent crime

 It Leads to Safer Roads

Traffic deaths have gone down in Colorado after legalization, which is fantastic news. This could be due to the substitution effect, people choosing pot over alcohol

It Makes Law Enforcement Cheaper and Easier

In legalized states, police no longer need to spend time chasing cannabis offenders, which also clears up the courtrooms for more serious cases. This makes things easier for everybody, and cheaper for the tax payers

How Cannabis Can Improve Your Daily Life

It Can Keep Your Pets Healthy

Cannabis, in some forms, can make for a healthy supplement for your pets. And for animals that are sick, or living with chronic pain, cannabis-based treats can offer some relief

They can also help with anxiety in pets

It Can Help You Have More Pleasant Dreams

Plagued by bad dreams? Try cannabis before you hit the sack, and see if it makes a difference. For some people, it’s doing the trick. For others, particularly those with PTSD, it can also eliminate dreams completely. The reason, it turns out, is that cannabis impacts REM sleep – the part of the cycle during which you dream

It Can Bring Your Energy Levels up

A lot of people are tired. But a small subset of individuals suffer from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome – a disorder that is effectively treated with certain cannabis compounds and strains. Just make sure you’re picking the right ones if you want to avoid fatigue

It’ll Help You Sleep

On the flip side, you can use cannabis to help you get to sleep. Again, though, it’ll depend on what specific strains you’re using, and your physical and psychological makeup. You may have to experiment a bit to get the desired effect

It Can Help You Get Through the Work Day

No matter what kind of job you have, cannabis can probably give you a boost in some way – be it
mentally or physically. If you do decide to experiment with cannabis at work, be careful not to let things get out of hand. Be mindful of what works and what doesn’t. And if you’re operating machinery, or driving? Abstain. Better to get high AFTER work

It Can Make You More Productive

If you can get your cannabis regimen just right, productivity could increase significantly. For a lot of people that may be due to the medical benefits gained from cannabis, or the inspiration, or simply because they’re happier. On the other hand, productivity can also take a complete nosedive if you’re not careful

It Can Protect Your Brain

Cannabis as a brain protector? It’s true. Scientists are finding that chemical compounds found in cannabis actually help protect our brains

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